24 Crowns Active Journal

24 Crowns Active Journal

24 Crowns was born from discovering love in helping others find purpose in their journey. It became the external representation of how my purpose has sewn into me. As women we can harness the tools we learn along the way, not just for ourselves, but for every woman building a path of her own. The 24 women whose lives I was able to transform as a coach, all became valuable gems in understanding what it takes to walk with purpose, no matter how difficult the journey. Those same gems of inspiration, commitment, and perseverance, I now share with you. 24 Crowns is a 12- month active journal designed to take you, step by step through the pages. Each page provides insight, guidance, and motivation to plan your week and accomplish your goals in no time! It features 24 amazing women executives and entrepreneurs that will help you on your journey while climbing corporate ladders, starting or growing your business.

$ 35.00 USD

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